Blooming Prairie Cancer Group
The Blooming Prairie Cancer Group is in its 22nd year of service to the community. Eunice Coughlin created the group after watching the Eagle's Cancer Telethon. It inspired her to bring similar services offered by other communities to Blooming Prairie. The following year, she held a silent auction, bake sale, and a dance, raising $1,700. Inspired by her vision, the BP Cancer Group has raised over $1,000,000 for the Eagles Cancer Telethon over the last 20 years! In addition to her vision, the BP Cancer Group has expanded its giving by partnering with the Hormel Institute for cancer research and beginning the Community Fund.
Our Mission
Our mission is to raise funds to support the quest for a cure for cancer and help those affected in our area any way possible.

We believe no one should fight this battle alone.
We want to provide hope and improve the lives of those affected by cancer through support and awareness.

Our Vision
Our vision is to live in a world where lives and communities are no longer threatened by cancer.